Tshabangu puts foes on notice

Sengezo Tshabangu
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Aspiring Citizen for Coalition Change (CCC) MPs loyal to party leader Nelson Chamisa are facing a fresh challenge.

This comes as the CCC secretary general, Sengezo Tshabangu, has warned that he will block their participation in the key by-elections slated for early next year.

His lawyer Nqobani Sithole confirmed that Tshabangu would not allow the Chamisa-aligned party candidates to use the CCC’s name during the by-elections.

The recalled legislators filed their nomination papers under the CCC banner despite a recent High Court ruling which barred 14 of their colleagues from taking part in the December 9 by-elections on the party’s ticket.

“That road has been travelled before and nothing has changed. You can’t be expelled and still represent the same party that expelled you.

“So, to us, it’s just a legal nullity. We know that what happened before is also going to happen again because there is a ruling which clearly states the legal penalties on this issue.”

“Those members are not going to be candidates in the next by-elections because they are no longer members of CCC,” Sithole said.

Source – dailynews