Advocate Thabani Mpofu, the CCC President Nelson Chamisa’s legal representative, says the newly formed political party is open to welcome MDC-T leader Thokozani Khupe and former G40 Kingpins to be part of the membership.
Khupe recently got a rude awakening from CCC supporters who used social media to encourage its leader to block her from joining the newly rebranded party.
Writing on Twitter Mpofu said, “The movement belongs to the CITIZENS. There’s room for maG40. Room for MaKhupe. Room for those already deserting Moh-Zero in droves. Room for number 2s people. Room for everyone who is odious to Zanu. Room for all patriots and nation builders. All are welcome. Huyai. Asakhe.”
Commenting on the tweet Professor Jonathan Moyo said, “Beware of gatekeepers on the prowl in these streets!”
When accused by one Twitter user @TNyamucherera of seeking a CCC leadership position, Moyo said, “What leadership position, when membership has never been, and will never be, sought?”
The movement belongs to the CITIZENS. There’s room for maG40. Room for MaKhupe. Room for those already deserting Moh-Zero in droves. Room for number 2s people. Room for everyone who is odious to Zanu. Room for all patriots and nation builders. All are welcome. Huyai. Asakhe. pic.twitter.com/8NmQybSBCe
— Thabani Mpofu (@adv_fulcrum) March 29, 2022
“Secondly, The 1974 constitution of Zaire stated that there exists a single institution, the MPR, incarnated by its President, that the President of the MPR is ex officio President of the Republic, and holds the plenitude of power exercise, and that Mobutism was constitutional doctrine. Are we not seeing a similar doctrine happening in CCC where the party has only one position called Change Champion and only that leader is allowed to address the rallies and what he says is law? His only two other position holders are his spokesperson Fadzayi Mahere and Gift Siziba.
“You wonder what positions do senior and highly respected Matabeleland leaders like Professor Welshman Ncube and Tabitha Khumalo hold when they are paraded at rallies to only greet people but are barred and banned from addressing their people. If those are not early signs of Mobutuism re-incarnated they I do not know what it is.”