gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); ‘Ramaphosa envoys must meet MDC’ ANC says – The Zimbabwe Mail

‘Ramaphosa envoys must meet MDC’ ANC says

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The National Executive Council of South Africa’s African National Congress has resolved that the envoys sent by President Matamela Cyril Ramaphosa to Zimbabwe must meet all stakeholders to assist in resolving the crisis bedeviling the country.

The envoys came to Zimbabwe last month but were turned back after meeting President Emmerson Mnangagwa and their scheduled meetings with the MDC led by Nelson Chamisa and the small MDC led by Thokozani Khupe were canceled.

Read an extract from the ANC NEC resolution below:

It also notes work being done to continue to silence the guns in Mali and Libya, and to ensure stability in Mozambique, Sudan and Zimbabwe.

The NEC welcomed government efforts to engage the situation in Zimbabwe, in particular the deployment of special envoys. It emphasised the importance of the envoys engaging with all stakeholders in the country to assist in addressing the current situation. ANC and government processes must complement each other.

Source – Byo24News