gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Prof Moyo tips Prof Ncube for Cowdray Park seat – The Zimbabwe Mail

Prof Moyo tips Prof Ncube for Cowdray Park seat

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FORMER Cabinet Minister and Zanu-PF Politburo member Professor Jonathan Moyo has tipped Finance and Economic Development Minister Professor Mthuli Ncube to win the Cowdray Park seat in the forthcoming harmonised elections.

Zimbabwe is set to hold harmonised elections in August with electoral processes already in motion including inspection of voter’s roll that is set to start on Saturday and ending on Wednesday.

While the opposition is at sixes and sevens, the ruling party has selected candidates who have started campaigning.

Professor Jonathan Moyo

Prof Ncube who was elected unopposed to run on Zanu-PF’s ticket has hit the ground running launching a development centric campaign in Cowdray Park. Prof Ncube said he led several development projects across the continent and wants to bring his expertise to the least developed Cowdray Park suburb.

He has installed WIFI internet connectivity at schools and public spaces in Cowdray Park, fixed roads that were making travelling in the suburb a nightmare.

Prof Ncube has also capacitated youths through driving skills lessons while others have undergone Red Cross First Aid training.

The Treasury boss has also secured some electricity transformers and drilled boreholes to ease water challenges in the biggest suburb in the city.

Cowdray Park is the biggest constituency in Bulawayo, with over 24 000 registered voters and has a population of over 75 000 residents, the second largest in the country after Budiriro in Harare.

Zimbabwe Red Cross Society (ZRCS)

Cowdray Park residents have also expressed optimism over what has been dubbed the “Mthuli Dream” for Cowdray Park which had lagged behind in terms of development.

Posting on micro blogging site Twitter, Prof Moyo said he was confident that Prof Ncube will deliver a resounding victory for Zanu- PF in Cowdray Park.

“It would be remiss of me not to wish you well Professor Ncube in your campaign for the Cowdray Park Parliamentary constituency in Bulawayo in the forthcoming harmonised general election. So far so good and ceteris paribus, you are on course for a resounding August victory,” tweeted Prof Moyo.

He said the public expects that developments that Prof Ncube has ushered in Cowdray Park should spread across other parts of country.

“But because you are the Minister of Finance and Economic Development, one of the top and key portfolios in government – and you are thus everyone’s finance and economic development minister who manages everyone’s national purse – seriously consider spreading your solution-based campaign message and replicating your inspiring interventions and campaign projects beyond Cowdray Park to Bulawayo, Matabeleland North, Matabeleland South and ind nationally,” he said.

“When you win in Cowdray Park, as I pray you will, and as the writing on the wall says so, everyone should win.”–Chronicle