gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Police declare Gutu Central no-go area for Chamisa – The Zimbabwe Mail

Police declare Gutu Central no-go area for Chamisa

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GUTU – Police have barred CCC leader Nelson Chamisa from holding rallies at any place in Gutu Central Constituency after the party applied for clearance to converge at Makombo Grounds at Mpandawana Growth Point on Friday.

After receiving the application, Masvingo East Police Dispol Taurai Mambure told CCC District elections officer for Gutu Lloyd Mupfudze that Makombo Grounds at Mpandawana was fully booked. He said that there was another political party that was going to hold sports tournaments at the same venue for the next two days.

Mupfudze then offered to move the rally to Dewure Business Center, some 25km away and he was then told that Chamisa is barred from holding a rally at any place in Gutu Central where veteran journalist Matthew Takaona from CCC is contesting Minister of Mines and Mining Development, Winston Chitando.

Efforts to get a comment from Mambure were futile.

“We were categorically told that Chamisa would not address a rally in Gutu Central. We were told that the party was free to host Chamisa in any of the other three constituencies in the district as long as it was not Gutu Central,” said Mupfudze.
After that Chamisa’s rally was moved to Mawungwa Business Center in Gutu South Constituency.

Gift ‘Ostallos’ Siziba, CCC national vice spokesperson said, “Zanu PF is running scared and they are brewing violence, but that will not stop the wind of change. What we want is peace,” said Siziba.

Takaona said Gutu had looked forward to a huge rally for Chamisa in Gutu Central and supporters were devastated when they heard the switch in venue at the last minute.

“This election has all the features of an unfree and unfair plebiscite. Gutu CCC parliamentary candidates resolved to have our president’s rally held at Mpandawana Growth Point but Police would have none of that. It must be made clear that the party has a right to choose venues for its meetings. We don’t see any reason why we should be stopped from holding rallies in places where Zanu PF freely holds its own.

“Police must allow citizens to choose their leaders through free and fair elections. We look forward to a time when Chamisa will come and address a rally at Makombo before August 23, 2023,” said Takaona. – Masvingo Mirror