gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Opposition Says Chinese Company Rigged 2013 Elections, Does Not Mention Nikuv – The Zimbabwe Mail

Opposition Says Chinese Company Rigged 2013 Elections, Does Not Mention Nikuv

Morgan Komichi
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The opposition MDC-T has claimed that an unnamed Chinese company was responsible for rigging the 2013 elections in favour of Zanu-PF. Speaking on the issue of ballot papers, MDC-T national secretary Morgen Komichi said,

The ballot paper matter is not a laughing matter. In 2013, there is a ballot paper that arrived from China two weeks before we went for elections. The ballot paper was housed at a government building where there was a Chinese machine that printed the ballot paper used to rig the 2013 elections. They arrested me because they feared I had an idea on their rigging strategy.

What happened is Tsvangirai told me of a paper that had arrived at the airport that day from China. Armed with that, I confronted Makarau over the matter, she panicked and professed ignorance.

They arrested me because they thought I was aware of their plot and caged me for 100 days.  They still have the papers here in Zimbabwe; they still have the machine and want to flood those ballot papers. People must be aware of the plot to rig the elections.

In the past, the opposition has also accused Israeli company Nikuv of having rigged the elections.

More: Bussiness Times