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Obert Mpofu warns regime change agents

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Neo-colonial forces were hard pressed to destabilize SADC in pursuit of regime change of all Former Liberation Movements (FLM), ZANU-PF Secretary for Administration, Dr Obert Mpofu, has warned.

Dr Mpofu said this in his opening remarks to the ZANU-PF Policy and Coordination meeting held at the Party Headquarters this morning.

“We should all remember that neo-colonial forces are hard at work and our enemies like USA will use everything in their arsenal to destabilize the region as they advocate for regime change of all Former Liberation Movements through the opposition parties, civil society organizations (CSOs) which they sponsor.

“The Jihadists/Islamic attacks in the northern part of Mozambique to establish a caliphate in that part, is a clearly testimony of the concerted efforts by anti-FLM forces,” Dr Mpofu said.

Dr Mpofu urged the Party leadership to remain vigilant in defense of the country’s hard won independence.

“The socio-economic development trajectory the country is starting to enjoy, which has also realized price stabilization and a constant USA Dollar exchange rate is a welcome development.  “We should stay steadfast as a Party and be vigilant to protect our hard won independence as testified by our commemoration of our Heroes and Armed Forces in the past week,” he said.

Dr Mpofu also said the ruling Party was in full support of the Tanzania’s new laws seeking to promote responsible behavior on the cyberspace.

“We are in solidarity with CCM and the United Republic of Tanzania government counterparts to clamp down on social media and enforcement of new media stipulations in the past weeks as they also realize that the opposition and their sponsors have resorted to this new strategy of warfare,” Dr Mpofu said.

Source – David Mwanza