Writing on Twitter, Mliswa said Mutsvangwa was panicking because he had acquired some confidential information from Kasukuwere during the meeting and he will be in the country to address a presser to expose the files.
He added that Mutsvangwa’s legacy is stained with accusations of compromising and using his wife to gain favours within the circles of power.
Read the unedited thread below:
Mutsvangwa is panicking about my meeting with Kasukuwere because he knows that at some point they worked together and he has files on him. I will be home soon and will lay it all out.
He talked to him about seeking to assume the VP’s position after the exit of Mai Mujuru. Even the ascendancy of Chiwenga made him sour that is why he doesn’t like Chiwenga. The truth will come out.
He wants to act like he has always stood by ED when he is a turncoat. There are people that we know who were pro-ED from way before 2004 such as Kembo Mohadi, VP Chiwenga, Patrick Chinamasa, Oppah Muchinguri, George Charamba, Jonathan Moyo, Lovemore Matuke, Rugeje, Matemadanda
Marbel Chinomona, Francis Nhema, Jacob Mudenda, Didymus Mutasa to name a few. These are unlike Mutsvangwa who was nowhere within that circle.
When you go talk about my sister is that part of your job? Hon Mary Mliswa Chikoka won her position through votes. It’s unlike you who has a position through favours. You cannot muster enough political creativity to win over people and assume office through capacity.
Even from the liberation struggle your legacy is stained with accusations of compromising and using his wife to gain favours within the circles of power. You don’t attack my sister with patriarchal aspersions& think that I will be quiet and back down. I will expose you.
If ZANU PF thinks they can use my speaking out& cause removal of my sister so be it. However, I won’t back down from objective criticism. I cannot be muzzled by subtle threats of my sister’s removal. I’m ZANU PF, the real one not this rogue cabal of thieves.
People like Mutsvangwa need to be unmasked so that people know who is who. Even the influx of Chinese nationals is part of his plot to get funders for his political campaigns. It’s just that the CIO is sleeping on duty that is why they don’t have information on all this.