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Moyo savages Chiwenga and Mnangagwa

Former Higher Education Minister Professor Jonathan Moyo and President Emmerson Mnangagwa
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Former Higher Education Minister Jonathan Moyo who said he was taking a break on 15 December is back on line following the appointment of Constantine Chiwenga as one of the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front vice-presidents.

“With Chiwenga appointed VP, I take a break from my break to say the appointment confirms the 15 Nov military coup. President Mugabe was ousted not to benefit Zimbabwe but Chiwenga & Mnangagwa personally. Coup commanders & coup tribalists have been promoted to higher offices!”  he tweeted.

Moyo’s comeback comes amid unconfirmed reports that he never left the country and was being held by the military which was tweeting on his behalf.

In today’s tweets, Moyo said: “For the record, lawful Zimbabweans know the JUNTA & its Illegitimate coup govt aren’t one & the same thing as the COUNTRY. President Mugabe did not have to be humiliated & ousted in a MILITARY COUP by Zanu PF TRIBALISTS claiming loyalty to him. No! No!

“The decision by the Junta & Mnangagwa to take away from PF Zapu, with no election, the post of National Chairman has destroyed the Unity Accord. It’s gone. Everyone can now see that the MILITARY COUP was done by gukurahundists & tribalists in Zanu PF!

“My politburo video of 19 July 2017 on the Mnangagwa/Chiwenga coup plot has been proven by events. About the coup, it’s a lie to say it was bloodless. There are untold fatalities, rampant torture, illegal arrests & detentions & internal & external displacement of citizens!” – Insider