gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Mnangagwa’s allies goes into hiding, some have fled the country amid assassinations fears – The Zimbabwe Mail

Mnangagwa’s allies goes into hiding, some have fled the country amid assassinations fears

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MUTARE –  Several members of the faction loyal to ousted former Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa have gone into bidding and some have fled the country amid reports of threats to their lives as tensions rise in the embattled President Robert Mugabe’s Zanu PF.

Zanu PF politburo on Wednesday discussed the explosive statement issued by former vice-president Emmerson Mnangagwa in which he threatened to lead a popular revolt against President Robert Mugabe under and the party’s political commissar Saviour Kasukuwere and HIgher Education Minister Prof Jonathan Moyo were tasked with the plan smoke out pockets of resistance and root out all those perceived to be loyal to the fallen heir apparent.

The meeting according to local media deliberated in detail the potential purges designed to prevent party heavyweights linked to Mugabe’s ousted deputy from contesting in central committee elections and retaining top positions.

Among the big names which could be affected by the removals are State Security minister Kembo Mohadi, Senator Tambudzani Mohadi, Environment minister Oppah Muchinguri, Cyber Security minister Patrick Chinamasa and Minister of State in the Presidents’ Office Responsible for National Scholarships Chris Mushohwe.

The former Women’s League chairperson and cabinet minister Oppah Muchinguri who has been haunted into hiding by President Mugabe’s State security machinery believed to . The Environment minister is believed to have been fearing for her life as her opponents close in on her. She has not been seen at her home or her office in past 3 days.

Yesterday a group of about 30 youths marched to ZANU PF Mutare offices chanting denigrating slogans and baying for her blood. They are believed to have been funded by Mandi Chimene and Irene Zindi who have been long-time rivals to Muchinguri.

Sources inform us that Muchinguri has not visited her offices at Mkwati building because she fears a warrant of arrest has already been prepared. She is believed to have been an instrumental member of Mnangagwa’s Lacoste faction.

Oppah Muchinguri voluntarily relinguished her post as Women’s league chair secretary of the women’s League in the ZANU PF party in 2014. It is believed that she had been promised the Vice President slot that was then held by Joice Mujuru. She resigned the post and helped elevate Mugabe’s wife Grace as her replacement.

In December 2014 Mugabe made a U-turn and appointed Emmerson Mnangagwa and Phelekezela Mphoko as his deputies. This did not go down well with Oppah who felt deeply aggrieved and betrayed. She became an incessant critic of Grace Mugabe.

At one point in the Politburo Oppah brought Grace Mugabe to tears when she clashed with her over the distributions of ZANU positions at the 2014 congress.

Efforts to contact Oppah Muchinguri or her husband were fruitless as their phones were off.