gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); ‘Mnangagwa looks set to win’ – pro-Zanu PF London based Professor – The Zimbabwe Mail

‘Mnangagwa looks set to win’ – pro-Zanu PF London based Professor

Professor Stephen Chan speaks to SOAS Blogs on the upcoming elections in Zimbabwe
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On 30 July, Zimbabweans will head to the polls in the country’s first ever election without former leader Robert Mugabe as one of the candidates.

Speaking to SOAS Blogs, Professor Stephen Chan, OBE, who teaches on African Political Thought at SOAS University of London, believes the ruling party will continue Mugabe’s winning legacy.

“This one is going to be historic simply because of his absence. But I think that his party and his successor President Mnangagwa will probably win.

“The opposition has not had a very good beginning to its campaign. It’s former leader died without anointing a successor; there have been all kinds of squabbles as to who that successor should be and there late start means that they may not be able to make up the headroom that Mnangagwa has been able to achieve. So without needing to cheat I think the ruling party is likely to win this particular election.”

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