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MDC-T Succession: Spokesman says he has recording

Luke Tamborinyoka
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HE late MDC-T leader, Morgan Tsvangirai’s spokesperson, Luke Tamborinyoka, has said he will soon release audio recordings of the late former prime minister speaking on his succession, as tempers continue to soar in the opposition party.


Tamborinyoka, in an exclusive opinion piece published elsewhere in today’s NewsDay, said it was disappointing that Tsvangirai agonised in his last days after he was barred from meeting his preferred successor.

“I will be relaying to you Morgan Tsvangirai, in his own voice, divulging the succession permutations and his succession preferences,” he said.

“That revelation will put paid to any doubts about the satisfaction of Morgan Tsvangirai’s spirit at what is about to unravel.

“That revelation is a function I promised him I would posthumously execute as a valediction to my role as his spokesperson.”

Tamborinyoka said Tsvangirai died a frustrated man, as he was barred from seeing the people he loved.

“I know he died a frustrated man by being precluded from seeing and talking to those he loved – those he wanted around him in his final hours,” he said.
“For the record – and without going into details – I know this because he told me himself.”

There are reports that Tsvangirai’s widow was stopped from visiting the late MDC-T leader in hospital, although it is not clear whether Tamborinyoka was referring to this incident.

Tsvangirai died in South Africa last week after a long battle with cancer of the colon, and his death has triggered fierce succession fights among his three deputies – Thokozani Khupe, Nelson Chamisa and Elias Mudzuri.

Khupe is on record saying as per the party constitution, she is the one that must lead the party, and not Chamisa.

On the other hand, Mudzuri claimed he was called to South Africa by Tsvangirai and was ordained to lead the party in an acting capacity.

Chamisa had earlier reportedly travelled to South Africa to meet Tsvangirai, but was barred by close family members sympathetic to Mudzuri.

Meanwhile, party spokesperson, Obert Gutu yesterday insinuated he will quit MDC-T in protest over violence meted against Khupe, secretary-general, Douglas Mwonzora and organising secretary, Abednico Bhebhe at Tsvangirai’s burial in Buhera on Tuesday.

“Big announcement, I’m not going to continue associating myself with an organisation that advocates for violence and thuggery,” he said.

“I’m a principled politician and professional.

“I’m not quitting politics. I’m going to contest in Harare East constituency in the 2018 elections.”

According to the MDC Alliance, Harare East has been reserved for People’s Democratic Party and Gutu could either be willing to go against MDC-T or quit the party.

In a follow-up interview with NewsDay, Gutu said he was not leaving the party.

“My tweet is very self-explanatory. I am not adding or subtracting anything on my tweet,” he said.

“A person, who quits, resigns and I am not resigning.” – NewsDay