gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); MDC Elders’ bid to unite Chamisa, Khupe flops due to mistrust – The Zimbabwe Mail

MDC Elders’ bid to unite Chamisa, Khupe flops due to mistrust

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A RENEWED effort by senior founding members of the country’s opposition party to bring Nelson Chamisa and Thokozani Khupe to the negotiating table has flopped amid mistrust among the actors, it has been established.

Khupe was recently given the reins by the Supreme Court over MDC-T, albeit in an acting capacity, pending the holding of an extraordinary congress.

Chamisa’s MDC Alliance contends that they are a separate formation since it held its congress last year and not bound by the MDC-T rules.

The Elders councils of MDC-T and MDC- Alliance were looking for a credible and respected mediator who would bring Chamisa and Khupe to the table to break the impasse in Zimbabwe’s largest opposition political party.

“As party elders, we met and decided that we are not going to be talking to the MDC-T elders on reunification. We have the political support of the people in the country and the MDC-T have the legal support but it is not enough to carry them on and win the support of the people in the country,” Mungofa said, accusing their counterparts of allegedly exchanging notes
with Zanu-PF leadership.

“We cannot have talks with them as we know that there are not sincere with their intentions.”

Cephas Makuyana, the MDC -T Elders Council leader, said his party wanted to have a dialogue with the MDC Alliance Elders Council but was not finding any joy.

“We are trying to push for the talks of unity in the party but our other colleagues in the MDC Alliance are not keen to be talking to us and it is not true that we are being sent by Zanu-PF to push for talks of our
principals,” Makuyana said.

Zanu-PF secretary for administration Obert Mpofu said his party was not involved in the fights within MDC, adding “they have to put their house in order and stop involving us as we are not in court with them and we know they are fighting among themselves.

“I don’t see the reason why we can share notes with either MDC faction,” Mpofu said. – Zimbabwe Voice