gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); MDC Alliance Should Wait For Next Election If Afraid, Demonstrations Do Not Stop Election: Chiwenga – The Zimbabwe Mail

MDC Alliance Should Wait For Next Election If Afraid, Demonstrations Do Not Stop Election: Chiwenga

Vice President Chiwenga addressing a Zanu-PF rally at Dingimuzi stadium in Plumtree town yesterday....
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Vice president Constantino Chiwenga has scoffed at the demonstrations called for by the opposition MDC Alliance saying that they will not stop elections.

Chiwenga also said that laws are only made in parliament, referring to calls by the Nelson Chamisa led MDC Alliance for the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission to implement electoral reforms. Speaking at a rally in Plumtree, Chiwenga said,

Some are afraid of going to elections and now want to implement things they should have done while in Parliament. There’s no law that is made on the streets, laws are made in Parliament…

If people have issues with any piece of legislation they don’t like they should ask the people to vote for them so that they can change the laws to suit their needs.

Those who are attacking Zec were part of the committee responsible for selection of Zec members. They should know that when proclamation has been done there is no way elections can be stopped. They should wait for the next election.

More: The Chronicle