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Mahere is new MDC Alliance Spin Doctor

Fadzayi Mahere
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MDC Alliance leader Nelson Chamisa has reshuffled his shadow Cabinet, with lawyer Fadzayi Mahere among the biggest beneficiaries of the changes.

According to a statement issued by the opposition party to announce the appointments, Mahere is now the Secretary for Communication, moving from her less influential previous role as Secretary for Education, Sport and Culture.

  1. Mr David Chimhini — Deputy Secretary General
  2. Hon Concilia Chinanzvavana — Deputy Secretary General
  3. Hon Murisi Zvizwai — Deputy Organising Secretary
  4. Mr Buda Masara — Deputy Organising Secretary
  5. Adv Fadzai Mahere – Secretary for Communication
  6. Dr Felix Magalela Mafa-Sibanda— Deputy Secretary for Communication
  7. Mr Clifford Hlatywayo — Deputy Secretary for Communication
  8. Mr Ian Makone — Secretary for Elections
  9. Ms Ellen Shiriyendenga — Deputy Secretary for Elections
  10. Mr Sesel Zvidzai — Secretary for Local Government and Rural Development
  11. Mr Jacob Mafume — Deputy Secretary for Local Government and Rural Development

The reshuffle comes in the wake of factionalism threatening the rip the opposition movement apart following the March Supreme Court judgment which declared Chamisa illegitimate leader of the party left by Morgan Tsvangirai.

Douglas Mwonzora, Morgen Komichi among others have opted to accept the Supreme Court ruling and hold an extraordinary congress to elect a substantive leader.