gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Khupe’s camp meets MDC Alliance leaders – The Zimbabwe Mail

Khupe’s camp meets MDC Alliance leaders

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THE Thokozani Khupe-led MDC leadership has met with representatives from four other parties which are members of the the MDC Alliance in Harare with a view to review the Alliance agreement and ensuring future political cooperation of the opposition parties, it has emerged.

The MDC Alliance, an electoral pact of seven political parties cobbled by Morgan Tsvangirai in 2017 to improve chances of the opposition winning the 2018 elections, was yet to meet after losing the 2018 harmonised elections to Zanu-PF.

“On the 4th of June, the representatives of five out of the seven members of the MDC met in Harare,” Khupe’s party Secretary-General Douglas Mwonzora said in a statement Thursday.

According to Mwonzora, the parties represented were, the Movement for Democratic Change Tsvangirai, the Multiracial Christian Democrats, Zanu Ndonga, Transform Zimbabwe and the Zimbabwe People First.

He said: “This was the first meeting of the parties after the 2018 elections.

“The purpose of the meeting was to review the Alliance agreement with a view of ensuring future political cooperation of the political parties.

“It was also to enable the MDC-T to appraise the partners on the political developments within the party following the Supreme Court judgement of 31 March, 2020.”

Mwonzora disclosed that the meeting resolved that each party will bring five senior representatives led by their President at a more comprehensive meeting to be held on the 13th of June, 2020 in Harare.

“The parties reiterated that their relationship was governed by the Composite Political Agreement signed by the Principals including the late Dr Morgan Richard Tsvangirai in August, 2017.

“This agreement has not been amended,” he said.

The revelation comes as the Khupe-led opposition outfit recently expelled Nelson Chamisa from the party founded by Morgan Tsvangirai.

Chamisa, who leads the MDC Alliance which claims is a political party, is adamant that he is the bona-fide leader of the main opposition party despite the Supreme Court ruling which declared his rise to power as against the party’s Constitution. – Zimbabwe Voice