gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); “I will drag Mnangagwa to dialogue” – Chamisa – The Zimbabwe Mail

“I will drag Mnangagwa to dialogue” – Chamisa

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MDC President Nelson Chamisa has said that he will drag President Mnangagwa to the talks kicking and screaming. He was speaking at the Tsvangirai memorial today in Buhera.

Chamisa also said that dialogue between himself and Mnangagwa is the only solution.

Said Chamisa:

Zim Media Review@ZimMediaReview

Chamisa says the solution is dialogue between himself and Mnangagwa. “If he refuses dialogue I will drag him to dialogue, kicking and screaming”

Zim Media Review@ZimMediaReview

Chamisa says the ‘real results’ of the election must be respected, “so that we take over and lead the country just as the people voted”