gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); High Court refuses to stop MDC congress – The Zimbabwe Mail

High Court refuses to stop MDC congress

Zimbabwean opposition leader Nelson Chamisa of the MDC Alliance
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The MDC can now breath a sigh of relief after Justice Edith Mushore refused to grant an interdict stopping the elective Congress which starts on Friday, May 24.

This was revealed by the party’s co-vice president Welshman Ncube. He said:

Just came out of Court where Mushore J has refused to grant an interdict stopping the MDC Congress. She ruled that the application is not urgent.

The ruling follows Wednesday’s application by Maureen Tawengwa, who was a secretary for Gokwe Sesame under the 2014 structures.

Tawengwa, filed an application through her lawyer Ashel Mutungura, seeking an order to halt the MDC Congress at the 11th hour.

Her lawyer had confirmed the development to the Newsday, where the lawyer is quoted as saying:

I can confirm the application has been filed with the High Court in Harare. It is an urgent application to interdict Nelson Chamisa from proceeding with the Congress.

There are several reasons; one being that the structures going to the Congress are illegal.

The 2014 structures are still in office and their term expires in October and new structures can only be in place after the old ones are dissolved.

However, today’s ruling by Justice Edith Mushore means that the MDC can go ahead with their Congress which starts tomorrow in The City of Progress, Gweru.