gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Don’t Make Us Doubt You, Heads Will Soon Roll At Zanu-PF HQ Warns Matemadanda – The Zimbabwe Mail

Don’t Make Us Doubt You, Heads Will Soon Roll At Zanu-PF HQ Warns Matemadanda

Matemadanda and Mutsvangwa
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War veterans leader and Deputy Minister of Defence (War Veterans) Victor Matemadanda has warned that Zanu-PF is going to purge all people found to be working with the G40 Faction and the MDC Alliance.

He also warned people who work at Zanu-PF’s headquarters whose loyalty was questionable. Addressing war veterans Matemadanda said,

…heads will soon roll at Shake Shake building to bring sanity and order. Some officials working at party offices are still working with the G40 and G40 is the Gamatox which is a Rhodesian Reactionary Movement.

Thus why NPF is joining hands with MDC Alliance, those are just desperate people who want positions and do not care about the revolution…My word of advice is that those who want to work for the party must not make us doubt them.

We have the capacity to root them out. We will close that Shake Shake (Zanu-PF Headquarters) takavhomora vhomora vanhu (and pull out all the malcontents). Yes, we can do it. Makandipa manyawi ndozviita.

…The are some people at Shake Shake building who think they are so special. When they meet us they will behave as if they have come across a bucket of faeces. We want to get rid of those people.

More: New Zimbabwe