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Defiant Sikhala says Mnangagwa will fall

Job Sikhala
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DEFIANT MDC MP, Job Sikhala has warned President Emmerson Mnangagwa angry Zimbabweans will one day break the military barricades and confront the under fire national leader for allegedly abusing them.

Sikhala was speaking Thursday at the Amalgamated Rural Teachers Union of Zimbabwe National (ARTUZ) congress in Gweru.

“We cannot remain pacifists on the circumstances which we all know,” said the MDC deputy national chair.

“That’s why I and my brother (ARTUZ president Obert Masaraure) have the same ideological inclination in our radical approach to solving our national question.

“I am not a pacifist; I have my own ideological belief. My ideological belief is that no matter how mighty the military state might be – I can give you an example of Egypt, it is a country in Africa with the strongest military comparable to Israel and Iran. Egypt is ranked number one militarily in Africa.

“However, when people power spoke in Egypt against the 30-year-old dictatorship of Hosni Mubarak, the mighty military power could not stop the people.

“One day I believe the people of Zimbabwe, the power of the people will rise.

“We might be frightened, the regime might assault people in their homes and using machete wielding gangs but when people power comes, it will happen.”

The outspoken opposition politician turned to state intelligence agents he accused for being used to silence dissenting voices.

Through his radical approach to matters, Sikhala is already in trouble with authorities for alleged utterances at a Masvingo rally last year that “Zimbabweans were going to take the fight to Mnangagwa’s doorstep.”

He is out on bail and faces trial later this month for attempts to incite violence against the Zanu PF led administration.

Sikhala faces 20 years in jail if convicted.