gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); David Coltart tells Chamisa’s allies to stop issuing orders to Bulawayo Council – The Zimbabwe Mail

David Coltart tells Chamisa’s allies to stop issuing orders to Bulawayo Council

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BULAWAYO Mayor David Coltart has announced his decision not to resign from his position amidst the ongoing power struggles within the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC).

The opposition party faced internal turmoil last month following the resignation of leader Nelson Chamisa, who cited infiltration from Zanu-PF. This move was followed by the resignation of key members who declared allegiance to Chamisa.

Coltart stated that resigning would be a betrayal of the residents of Bulawayo and emphasized his commitment to consulting widely before making any decision. After receiving feedback from various sources, particularly the Bulawayo public, Coltart concluded that the overwhelming response was in favor of him remaining in office.

He expressed gratitude for the support and respect shown by those involved in the struggle for democracy in Zimbabwe for over six decades, who urged him not to resign.

Coltart affirmed his decision not to resign as Mayor of Bulawayo and pledged to fulfill his five-year term, acknowledging the possibility of being recalled but prioritizing the trust and goodwill of Bulawayo’s residents.

Having been appointed mayor last year with Chamisa’s endorsement, Coltart has been recognized for his efforts to improve conditions in the city during his short tenure.

Despite pressure to clarify their positions following Chamisa’s resignation, Coltart asserted that he will not involve himself in the power conflicts between Chamisa, Tendai Biti, and Welshman Ncube.

He expressed sadness over the rift between Chamisa, Biti, and Ncube, emphasizing their longstanding friendship and shared commitment to democracy since the inception of the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) in 1999. Coltart refused to engage in divisive tactics, emphasizing his refusal to be pitted against his colleagues in a zero-sum game.

Source – newzimbabwe