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Chamisa’s youths bay for Khupe’s blood

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THERE was drama at the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) Bulawayo provincial assembly meeting on Saturday when angry youths tried to violently block MDC-T faction leader, Thokozani Khupe, from attending

The meeting took place at McDonald Hall.

She was later allowed to attend the meeting after CCC leader Nelson Chamisa intervened. The menacing angry youths were baying for Khupe’s blood, accusing her of being used by Zanu-PF to destroy the recently minted political outfit.

“Khupe, you are not welcome here. All along you were dining and wining with (President Emmerson) Mnangagwa, busy plotting the destruction our party. You even recalled from parliament some of our leaders whom you want to meet today. Are you not ashamed of what you did,” one of the youths said.

Chamisa intervened and ordered the youths to let Khupe in.

“I am not a leader of a violent people; I am not a leader of a violent community and I will never accept violence.  This is why I left MDC to form a peaceful organisation with God fearing supporters,” Chamisa pleaded.

“I do not want this coalition to resemble a Mnangagwa organisation or even that of Mugabe. I am not happy with those youths who are blocking Khupe. I did not invite her, but she has the right, as a citizen, to be in this meeting,” said a visibly angry Chamisa.

Khupe last month endorsed Chamisa and the party’s candidates ahead of the just ended by- elections.

This is not the first time that the former deputy prime minister has been barred by the youths from attending CCC’s meetings.

Khupe was also denied entry at White City and Mkoba stadiums during the CCC’s star rallies last month. Khupe overtures have apparently divided the party, with some senior party members, including interim national chairperson, Thabitha Khumalo, saying she will never forgive Khupe for initiating her recalling and that of other former MDC Alliance legislators from parliament.

Source – NewZimbabwe