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Chamisa makes peace overtures to Majome

Jessie Majome and Nelson Chamisa
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MDC-T leader Nelson Chamisa has reportedly personally reached out to disgruntled Harare West MP Jessie Majome in a last ditch effort to mend fences.

Early this week, Majome pulled out of the opposition party’s primary elections citing an unfair process skewed in favour of her challenger and political upstart Joana Madamombe.

Majome argue, Madamombe was being allowed to contest even though she did not meet the MDC-T’s criteria. Two days ago, Majome then shocked the MDC-T by announcing she would contest the seat as an independent triggering an outpouring of support and condemnation for the opposition party.

MDC-T spokesperson Thabita Khumalo revealed Chamisa had reached out to Majome but would not give details.

“I had the opportunity of seeing Hon Majome speak to President Chamisa at Parliament but unfortunately am not privy to the discussion. However I am sure something positive will come up. She is our MP and this is a period of madness, people are using their hearts rather than brain. We need time to find each other and we will,” said Khumalo.

She, however, admitted that according to party rules Majome has automatically expelled herself by deciding to contest as an independent adding the party is still trying to persuade the former Women’s Affairs deputy minister to rethink her decision.

“The procedure normally is that she would have automatically expelled. But we will try to resolve issues amicably,” said Khumalo.

Since taking power in the wake of founding president Morgan Tsvangirai’s death on Valentine’s Day, Chamisa has watched co-vice president Thokozani Khupe lead a break-away formation into an extraordinary congress and now Majome creating fresh frontiers for what promises to be a bareknuckle election fight in a few months’ time.