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Chamisa gives in and welcomes Khupe

Thokozani Khupe
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CITIZENS Coalition for Change (CCC) leader Nelson Chamisa yesterday welcomed Thokozani Khupe saying the opposition party wanted to work with everyone to unseat Zanu-PF.

Chamisa told cheering party supporters during a rally at Madlambudzi business centre in Bulilima West, Matabeleland South that his party did not discriminate against anyone.

“I know that people complain that Khupe caused a lot of problems for us but we say, Khupe come; and everybody else. The difference between CCC and Zanu-PF is that CCC represents the future and Zanu-PF the past,” Chamisa said.

Khupe, a former Deputy Prime minister under the unity government, attended the rally.

She has been blamed for causing the recall of former MDC Alliance councilors and legislators when she was the acting president of the MDC T before Douglas Mwonzora snatched the party from her.

Some CCC party members and the Bulawayo provincial executive have openly said they were not willing to work with Khupe after she threw her weight behind Chamisa.

Khupe has however been campaigning for Chamisa, and holding voter registration awareness campaigns in Bulawayo and rural Matabeleland despite murmurs of discontent.

“Zanu-PF is a minority. The majority are the citizens. Why would you continue to vote for a party that has made you suffer since 1980? They stole the votes from Father Zimbabwe Joshua  Nkomo in 1980…and all those other years and they want to come back again in 2023 to steal the votes.

“This time it will not happen,” said Chamisa.

“CCC is a small baby and only 3 months old but fighting a big old man and we managed to beat him in the recent elections.”

Chamisa’s CCC won 19 of the 28 contested parliamentary seats in the March 26 by-elections, while Zanu-PF got the remainder and Mwonzora zero.

Source – NewsDay