gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Chamisa demands explanation from Welshman Ncube over Khupe meeting – The Zimbabwe Mail

Chamisa demands explanation from Welshman Ncube over Khupe meeting

Welshman Ncube
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CITIZENS Coalition for Change (CCC) president Nelson Chamisa is yet to be briefed on the meeting that occurred between his deputy Welshman Ncube and nemesis Thokozani Khupe.

The two shared an image after their engagement that was reportedly brokered by former MDC-T organising secretary Abednico Moyo in Bulawayo.

It was their first meeting since a serious fallout in 2020 whose ripple effects finnaly resulted in Chamisa dumping the MDC name in totality after two years of being hounded by Khupe and then her successor in the MDC-T, now MDC Alliance Douglas Mwonzora.

The meeting was confirmed by an elated Khupe spokesperson Ntandoyenkosi Ndlovu.

“I’m yet to be briefed!” replied Chamisa after one of his Twitter followers Am Chambili had asked for clarification, attaching the picture in question.

Speculation has been rife Khupe is trying wiggle her way back into the main opposition fold, an idea that is being short down by CCC supporters who have not forgiven her for fighting Chamisa over the past four years.

Some have concluded that Ncube has brokered a deal for an alliance with Khupe which will see him contesting as president at the 2023 harmonised poll.

Asked on the matter at a Wednesday press conference, Gift Ostalos Siziba the CCC deputy spokesperson said there was no official communication between them and Khupe but however highlighted that it only took one to be a citizen of Zimbabwe to be a member of their party.

Source – NewZimbabwe