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Biti calls Mwonzora Zanu PF nincompoop

Lawyer Tendai Biti, former finance minister, speaks to journalists outside Zimbabwe's High Court in the capital Harare. File photo: REUTERS/Philimon Bulawayo.
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Speaking to Daily News, MDC motor-mouthed vice chairperson Tendai Biti reacted to suggestions by Zanu-PF youth league leader Lewis Matutu that Douglas Mwonzora is likely to beat the current popular leader, Nelson Chamisa at the opposition party’s Congress scheduled for May 24-26.

He said the party would not accept to be led by “a ruling party chosen half-wit”. Biti said MDC will reject any person that is not Chamisa. Said Biti:

We will reject any nincompoop given to us by Zanu PF. We already have a candidate in … Chamisa. So, we will not tolerate that. Our duty is to protect the legacy of our dear leader Morgan Tsvangirai and we know with Chamisa we will be able to do that.

The MDC youth assembly also claimed that Zanu PF wanted a “weaker candidate” to emerge as the party’s leader in May “for obvious reasons” — vowing that this would not happen.

More: Daily News