gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Bhebhe urges Khupe, Chamisa to unite – The Zimbabwe Mail

Bhebhe urges Khupe, Chamisa to unite

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THE recently reinstated MDC-T national organising secretary, Abednico Bhebhe has appealed to Thokozani Khupe and Nelson Chamisa to show leadership and use the Supreme Court judgment as an opportunity to unite the opposition struggle in Zimbabwe.

Bhebhe strongly believes the two warring MDC factions of Nelson Chamisa and Thokozani Khupe can still smoke the peace pipe and find each other.

“Unnecessary debates and counter accusations are raging on as to who must be held accountable. While it is a democratic right to express one’s opinion on a subject, the trigger of all this mayhem is none other than the supreme court judgment.

“The court responded to the appeal by the MDC, Nelson Chamisa and Morgan Komichi, whether wrong or right, its here nor there, but a judgement was handed down to the appellants. Instead of accusing one another, why not take advantage of the judgment to settle our differences as opposition and dialogue amongst ourselves and unite against the common enemy.”

He said Zimbabweans need a change in 2023 and that can only be achieved by having unity of purpose.

“If ZAPU and ZANU could unite after the later had killed over 20000 innocent civilians at cold blood, what’s so difficult in the MDC? I appeal to Nelson Chamisa and Thokozani Khupe to show leadership by doing what other people see as an impossibility.

Thokozani Khupe, Bhebhe and Thabitha Khumalo

“To those comrades who are protective of their new found positions, l challenge them to consider the plight of the people than their positions. I am pleading with all leaders to please stop writing and communicating statements that further the divisions in the opposition, it’s helping no one but Zanu-PF.

“I pledge to play my part in unity dialogue, so is every leader who really wants to see freedom in their lifetime.”

The Supreme Court on 31st March ordered Khupe to organise an extraordinary congress within three months to elect a new leader using the 2014 party structures.

Bhebhe was the party’s national organising secretary during the said period and was responsible for running the party’s structures across the country.

The MDC-T has since advised that the extraordinary congress will be convened on 31st July. In the event that the coronavirus emergency measures will still be in place, the party intends to hold the extraordinary congress via virtual in order to ensure the Supreme Court ruling is complied with to the letter. – Zimbabwe Voice