gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); ZANU PF Suspends MP For Calling For ED, Chamisa Dialogue – The Zimbabwe Mail

ZANU PF Suspends MP For Calling For ED, Chamisa Dialogue

Killer Zivhu
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The ruling ZANU PF party has suspended its Member of Parliament for Chivi South, Killer Zivhu following his call for dialogue between President Emmerson Mnangagwa and MDC president Nelson Chamisa.

The Daily News reports that Zivhu recently called for the two leaders’ spouses, First lady Auxillia Mnangagwa and Sithokozile Chamisa, to help resolve the country’s worsening political and economic crisis.

A letter written by the party to Zivhu and signed by Ailess Baloyi, the Masvingo provincial district committee chairperson, reads in part:

The Zanu PF Masvingo disciplinary committee met on August 8, 2019, and resolved to issue you with a prohibition order, in terms of article 10, section 79, subsection 1 of the Zanu PF constitution, generally and more specifically those contained under article 10, section 75 of the same constitution.

Charge 1: Disloyalty and treachery by purporting that in your social media chats and your Twitter account that you are organising a meeting between the President … Mnangagwa whom you referred to as ED and …Chamisa the opposition leader, whom you affectionately call CCC (an acronym for Chamisa Chete Chete), which is the opposition slogan.

You are therefore denigrating the president and the party Zanu PF.

Charge 2: Gross misconduct by disregarding party principles of communication, which must be done through party structures and the long-standing principles of collective decision making.

The prohibition order suspends you from acting in any capacity on behalf of the party until the provincial disciplinary committee has made its determination. You are, therefore, directed to remain on prohibition until your case has been finalised.

The report further says that the provincial co-ordinating committee (PCC) will meet on Friday to decide on Zivhu’s fate.

However, the province is said to be sharply divided over the philanthropist’s future with one faction pushing for his expulsion while some Masvingo politburo members are said to be fighting in Zivhu’s corner.

More: Daily News