gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Wadyajena, MDC-T MP Clash Over ‘Partisan” Pfumvudza Programme – The Zimbabwe Mail

Wadyajena, MDC-T MP Clash Over ‘Partisan” Pfumvudza Programme

Justice Wadyajena
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LANDS Parliamentary Committee chairperson and Zanu PF MP Justice Mayor Wadyajena Wednesday clashed with MDC-T MP David Tekeshe over what the later claimed was the ‘partisan’ distribution of inputs under the government-run Pfumvudza/Intwasa programme.

Last year, the government introduced the programme to assist small-scale farmers with agricultural inputs to sustain food security at household level and bumper harvest is expected this year due to favourable rains.

However, according to Tekeshe, who is also the MDC-T deputy chief whip, the distribution of the inputs was done in a partisan manner with only Zanu PF supporters benefitting while known opposition members failed to get any support.

Senior Grain Marketing Board (GMB) and Lands Ministry officials were giving oral before the parliamentary committee when the two rival politicians clashed with Wadyajena demanding proof from Tekeshe’s claims.

“Chairperson, my question is in connection with the Pfumvudza programme. In Rusape, councillors did not distribute inputs but it was done by party chairpersons,” Tekeshe claimed.

In response, Wadyajena asked Tekeshe which political party chairpersons was he referring to.

“Hon. Tekeshe, which party are you referring to. Are you a Zanu PF member?” Wadyajena interjected.

“Yes,” replied Tekeshe and immediately changed his answer; “No ndiri wejekerere (No l belong to the MDC).”

Wadyajena; “Hon. Tekeshe you said party councillors and then reverted to party chairpersons. Are you a member of Zanu PF? How do you know those people who distributed the inputs belong to Zanu PF?”

Tekeshe said he was present on the day the distribution of inputs was done.

“We went to the distribution point and the Zanu PF chairperson was distributing inputs. We know them because we contest against each other for political positions. So does Pfumvudza belong to a party?”

However, Tekeshe’s response did not go well with Wadyajena who ordered Parliament committee clerk identified only as Majoni to mute Tekeshe’s microphone.

Tekeshe in turn, turned his anger to the committee clerk.

“Majoni, are you partisan?”

Wadyajena went on to ask Tekeshe to prove his claims to the committee, but the opposition politician seemed to have developed cold feet and told his colleagues he did not have any evidence on the matter.

“Hon. Tekeshe do not bring silly issues in this committee. We have no time for such,” Wadyajena curtly responded.

However, Tekeshe shot back shouting; “Why are you dismissing me chairman? With all due respect, do not be a political chairperson. You are a Zanu PF member I know but do not protect anyone. Pfumvudza is for the whole country. It is for everyone.” – Newzim