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Telecomms players bemoan viability challenges

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The players appeared before the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on ICT, Postal and Courier Services where they were intensely quizzed on their operational constraints as well as to explain their service charges which are a cause for concern for the consumers.

For TelOne CEO, Mrs Chipo Mutasa, one of the major challenges is the failure by most government parastatals to pay for services which has left them in a RTGS$100 million debt.

Econet Wireless Zimbabwe CEO, Mr Douglas Mboweni said the operating environment is not conducive, owing to the economic state of affairs and called on the need to improve it to ensure the provision of quality services.

RBZ Governor, Dr John Mangudya also appeared before parliament and pledged to do all in the central bank’s capacity to support the critical sector.

The RBZ Governor also urged business people to desist from pegging prices in line with the floating foreign exchange market as this will cause price distortions.