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‘Mnangagwa has the worst cabinet in history’ – Mliswa

Temba Mliswa
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Norton legislator Temba Mliswa fumed in parly and called out Ministers who abscond parly and said some of them where the worst ministers appointed since independence, Open Parly reports.

According to the publication:

Some of the Ministers who are known for absconding question and answer session include Mines Minister Winston Chitando, Youth Minister Kirsty Coventry, Local Government Minister July Moyo, Finance Minister Mthuli Ncube, Energy Minister Fortune Chasi, Environment and Tourism Minister Mangaliso Ndlovu among many others.

Temba addressing the August house expressed his displeasure about ministers who avoid parly and said:

Most of the questions which will be asked here relate to specific ministries. There is no way the Leader of Government business can be so intelligent to annunciate whatever is going on in these ministries….

How honestly can we go back and make progress in this country when the very same appointed Cabinet Ministers are not here. Not only that, some of them are probably the worst bunch of Cabinet Ministers ever appointed since 1980. We always had the respect of Ministers who would respect this institution.

Ziyambi Ziyambi the leader of the leaser of house and government business is usually the one to answer all questions on behalf of absent ministers.

More: OpenParly