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MDC MPs told to reject diplomatic passports

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MDC Members of Parliament have been told to snub the offer by the President Emmerson Mnangagwa government to give them diplomatic passports.

Award winning journalist Hopewell Chin’ono said, “It will be a total disaster and shameless act  if MDC members of Parliament accept Diplomatic Passports offered by Mnangagwa when ordinary citizens can’t get a passport in one year! It will show that they are not after CHANGE but co-option by the system.”

Makonde MP Kindness Paradza (Zanu PF), who chairs the parliamentary committee on foreign affairs told parliament on Wednesday that, “I want to thank President Mnangagwa that for the first time since independence, our Homnourable Members are going to have diplomatic passports. We would like to whole-heartedly thank His Excellency for extending this privilege to all Members of Parliament whether from the opposition or ruling party, they are going to get diplomatic passports starting next week,” Paradza announced.

He said Zimbabwe was “the only parliament within the region and within the continent or even throughout the world that Members of Parliament did not have diplomatic passports.”

Paradza however warned that “all those who are going to abuse these passports; they are going to be withdrawn.”

The passport grants MPs priority at airports and access to VIP lounges.