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Mahere bemoans on Tshabangu being in Senate

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Coalition for Change (CCC) interim secretary-general Sengezo Tshabangu was sworn in as a senator at the new Parliament Building in Mt. Hampden in Harare on Tuesday.

He took oath with seven other opposition members replacing those he arbitrarily recalled after the August 2023 elections with the help of parliament, judiciary and the executive, Zanu-PF and state security services.

Former CCC Mount Pleasant MP Fadzayi Mahere speaks out against Tshabangu and his dirty politics of subterfuge.

Mahere wrote on X (Twitter):

“If yesterday (Tuesday)’s swearing in of Sengezo Tshabangu and his goons as parliamentarians doesn’t disgust you, nothing else will.

“The world unanimously condemned last year’s election that ushered in Zimbabwe’s current administration. The election was marred by irregularities, rigging and violence that led to all observers concluding that the election fell far below the Constitutional standard.

“Despite their best rigging display, they failed to get a two thirds majority in Parliament. When you’re that unpopular, rigging can only take you so far. Two thirds in Parliament would enable them to amend the Constitutional two term limit for presidential aspirants.

“They want their guy to come back as “president” in 2028.

“So they hatched up a plan to use a willing impostor, Tshabangu, to sponsor and front their third term agenda.

“They threw every state institution, willing political tool, social media influencer and payable journalist to drive the agenda.

“History will judge harshly the state institutions and regime apparatchiks who made this fraud on democracy possible.

“With the direct assistance of the state, Tshabangu falsified documents that led to the illegal recall of opposition MPs. He then caused most of those MPs to be banned again from running.

“He spat on the will of the people.

“He enabled the replacement of duly elected opposition MPs with Zanu-PF criminals and mafia lords who had been rejected by the masses in August 2023.

“An opposition community organizer was abducted, tortured and killed during the by-election campaign period as a direct consequence of his conduct.

“Zanu-PF illegally gifted him an unelected seat in Senate. They ignored correspondence from duly authorized opposition representatives regarding submission of party lists.

“The opposition have never been allowed to wear yellow. We were told that the colour is too “political”. That ruling is extant so why was newly sworn in Zanu-PF Senator Tshabangu allowed to break the rule?

“You’re not allowed to approach the Chair save through the Chief Whip. Why was he allowed to do so in breach of procedure?

“Since when does the Senate President bow to a Senator?

“Whenever an opposition senator stands up, Zanu-PF senators heckle. Why are they heard cheering for him?

“Parliament has been tainted by the illegitimacy crisis that plagues the entire 2023 electoral sham. What they stole in August 2023 wasn’t enough so they had to steal even more.

“The House that is meant to be the sacred voice of the people has been reduced to a den of thieves. We need new leaders.”

Source – TheNewsHawks