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Khupe wags finger at Jacob Mudenda

Jacob Mudenda
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BULAWAYO – The beleaguered ex-MDC-T leader Thokozani Khupe has accused Jacob Mudenda Of Gender Discrimination After Her Recall From Parliament

In a dramatic twist of events, the Douglas Mwonzora led MDC-T party has recalled its deputy leader Thokozani Khupe and Nomvula Mguni from parliament.

This comes after Khupe’s last month suspension from the party pending a hearing on allegations that had been levelled against her.

Speaker of Parliament Jacob Mudenda then wrote to Khupe and Mguni this week informing them that he had received a letter from the party recalling them.

However, a fuming Thokozani Khupe has since accused Mudenda of “gender discrimination” adding that she had written to the UN in protest of the latest developments.

Khupe argues that Mwonzora automatically expelled himself from MDC-T after he claimed leadership of the MDC-Alliance and has no right to exclusively receive the ZW$149m allocated to the MDC under the Political Parties (Finance) Act.

Watch the video below:

While suspending Khupe last month in a statement the party said:

“The MDC-T wishes to advise that First Vice President Dr. Thokozani Khupe has been suspended. A letter dated 12 January 2022 was personally delivered to Dr. Khupe and her legal team.

The suspension was with immediate effect, pending investigations into various allegations levelled against her.

Investigations are being conducted by a team led by the party’s Arbiter General. The suspension is in line with the party constitution and is a result of issues that arose. Once the said issues are investigated and fully resolved, the party will communicate such.”

Following the announcement, Khupe held a press conference in Bulawayo where she announced that she was forming a splinter group.