gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Fireworks expected as Musarara comes to Parliament for questioning – The Zimbabwe Mail

Fireworks expected as Musarara comes to Parliament for questioning

Tafadzwa Musarara
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Fireworks are expected at the parliamentary portfolio committee on Agriculture on Thursday where Tafadzwa Musarara is set to have another showdown with Chairman Mayor Justice Wadyajena.

On the 25th of February 2020, Musarara appeared before the Agriculture portfolio committee with his legal representative Mr. A. Mugandiwa of Wintertons.

Wadyajena chucked the lawyer out of the room in breach of section 69 (4) of the Constitution.

On the 11th of May 2020 Musarara received another letter summoning him to appear again before the Agriculture portfolio committee.

Musarara in return wrote to the clerk of Parliament seeking assurance that he would not be denied his right to legal representation of his choice as he will be giving evidence under oath. The clerk assured him that he will be allowed to exercise his rights to legal representation when he appears before the Committee.

On Wednesday, Wadyajena took to Twitter to confirm that the committee meeting is set for tomorrow.
Wadyajena became popular for launching a witch hunt against Fertiliser Seed and Grain FSG which was accused of corrupt practices. The matter was swept under the carpet and the matter was never heard of again.

Political analyst Nicholas Ncube said the GMAZ witch hunt is a waste of taxpayers funds as recipients of the wheat had testified that they had received their wheat allocation and that all the acquittals had been submitted for the US$27 million facility.

Ncube argued that no one suffered prejudice and equally all players were satisfied hence the committee could use its time and resources on more pressing matters such as winter wheat and ensuring adequate grain supplies for the nation

Source – Byo24News