gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); CCC Faction Recalls Tshabangu Linked Senators After Serving First Day in Parliament – The Zimbabwe Mail

CCC Faction Recalls Tshabangu Linked Senators After Serving First Day in Parliament

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HARARE — Chaos continues in the opposition Citizens Coalition for Change following the recall of four senators who were sworn in Tuesday after they were chosen by a faction led by Welshman Ncube, Tendai Biti and Lynette Karenyi Konye under the proportional representation qouta.

A letter signed by a man identifying himself as Tshuma and calling himself as the interim chairperson of the CCC submitted to the Speaker of Parliament indicates that the recalled proportional representation senators are Kucaca Phulu, Lilian Mlilo, Linda Sibanda and Collet Ndlovu.

The four were recently handpicked by the CCC to fill posts left vacant following the recalling of some lawmakers, including former Bulawayo Member of Parliament Gift Ostallos Siziba and others by Sengezo Tshabangu who still claims that he is the interim secretary general of the party.

Nelson Chamisa dumped CCC a month ago citing Zanu PF interference.

Responding to this move, Tshabangu, who is now a senator, said, “That’s a kids play and we are above that. Parliament is a respectable institution and it ought to be given that dignified status.”

Tshabangu recalled several CCC lawmakers and councilors resulting in the holding of byelections that were won by the ruling party. The High Court barred the recalled parliamentarians to participate in the byelections held last year and early this month. – VOA