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British security envoys meet Zimbabwe Parliament Speaker

Speaker of the National Assembly, Advocate Jacob Mudenda meets Mr Andrew McLean, a security and justice advisor, and Mr Mark White
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HARARE – Two envoys from the United Kingdom (UK) Security and Justice Scoping Mission met with the Speaker of the National Assembly, Advocate Jacob Mudenda this Tuesday morning at Parliament Building where they held closed door deliberations on various security related issues.

According to the State media, Mr Andrew McLean, a security and justice advisor, and Mr Mark White’s mission organisation, the United Kingdom (UK) Security and Justice Scoping Mission, deals with security, conflict and governance.

Advocate Mudenda said they held discussions on the electoral and constitutional framework which deals with electoral disputes as well as mechanisms in place from conflict resolution among other issues.

“We had fruitful deliberations, the envoys were interested in understanding the constitutional framework to deal with disputes during the pending election and I made it known that the Electoral Act is now undergoing the second reading and the amendments sought will guarantee a smooth process,” said Advocate Mudenda.

He added that in the case of excitable people who may engage in violence, there is an effective security sector and a judiciary to deal with such cases.

“It is import that the election passes the credibility test and that can only be achieved in the absence of violence,” he said.

A number of foreign delegates and envoys are jetting into the country to assess the mechanisms in place to ensure a credible and transparent election is held this July.