by Wilbert Mukori
“Zimbabwe is broken. Let us fix Zimbabwe. We need the support and helping hand of Africa. South Africa must come to the show. Help us to resolve our fundamental issues. Support the struggle for democracy in Zimbabwe. It is not about a political party, Zanu-PF. Zanu-PF has ceased to be a vehicle for the emancipation of the people, a progressive vehicle.”
“Support the people of Zimbabwe in solidarity. Come and help us.”
SA and SADC were the driving force forcing Mugabe and Zanu PF to sign the 2008 Global Political Agreement (GPA) in which the party agreed to the need for Zimbabwe to implement the raft of democratic reforms to restore the rule of law and the individual freedoms and rights including the right to free elections.
The task of implementing the reforms were left to Morgan Tsvangirai and his MDC friends. MDC leaders failed to implement even one reform in five years because Mugabe bribed them and because they are breathtakingly incompetent. Nelson Chamisa, Tendai Biti and many others in the CCC were in the GNU and, to this day, they have never acknowledged it was them, not SADC, who sold out.
SADC leaders begged, literally, Morgan Tsvangirai and company not to take part in the elections until reforms are implemented. MDC leaders ignored the advice. Chamisa and company are the ones who have insisted on participating in flawed elections giving Zanu PF legitimacy.
“Don’t have an ostrich mentality!” What an outrage! You are the ones who sold-out and yet now has the chutzpah to insult those who tried to help. Chamisa must wash his foul mouth with bleach!
Whilst one can understand why SA and the rest of the SADC leaders gave up hope of helping Zimbabwe get out of the economic and political mess Zanu PF dragged the nation into after the pathetic performance of Morgan Tsvangirai and his MDC fiends. SADC leaders have turned a blind eye to Zanu PF rigging the elections and a deaf ear to MDC leaders complaining about stolen elections.
SADC leaders have punished MDC leaders for failing to implement even one reforms when they had the golden opportunity to do so. However, it must be said, in punishing MDC leaders SADC leaders have punished the ordinary Zimbabweans too; they are at the coal face of the country’s worsening economic meltdown and political oppression. Indeed, SADC leaders are punishing the whole region because Zimbabwe’s economic chaos and political turmoil is now spilling into the rest of the region and beyond.
With no meaningful reforms implemented, Zanu PF is rigging the 2023 elections; that is as clear as day. SA and the rest of the SADC leaders must ignore foul-mouthed Nelson Chamisa et al, who are participating in these elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy and condemn the flawed elections. Deny Zanu PF legitimacy and Zanu PF will once again be forced to sign another GPA, agreeing to democratic reforms.
There are many Zimbabweans who accept the 2008 GPA was our get out of jail card and accept MDC leaders sold-out by failing to implement the raft of reforms. And given a chance, the new GPA will be that chance, these men and women will implement the reforms. All the reforms!