Dear Professor Jonathan Moyo, Chamisa did not make a mistake at all. These Ndebele citizens in the CCC party or in Zanu PF are tribal colours that bamboozles Ndebeles into thinking CCC is an inclusive party, far from it. It does not worry me at all that the CCC has a yellow colour or the party itself is named after Chamisa. What is painful is how Ndebeles, well those few of them, are prepared to give some false semblance of tribal inclusion. far from it. Where is Jonathan Moyo today? Where is Kembo Mohadi today? Where is Cain Mathema today? What is Obert Mpofu doing, sinking down young people from their farm possessions of Esidhakeni because he still has power in Zanu PF. Greed without end.
The shenanigans taking place in MDC-T and the new leader Mwonzorwa are purely tribal and Thokozani Khuphe is busy fighting a lost cause just to be part of the chaos and remain relevant in the political matrix. Both Thokozani Khuphe and Mwonzorwa have drifted away from the people they purport to save. It is clear to all that it is about the stomach and never about the people. If we ever thought that these leaders in the ruling elite or in the opposition are people’s leaders then we should wake up from slumber moments. Chamisa Chete Chete is gearing for the state house and never beyond. CCC is Chamisa’s personal agenda and those around him have a culture of hero-worshipping political leaders, a dangerous trait.
If there is someone who has read Mugabe’s script and is close to his chest is CCC: Chamisa Chete Chete. Chamisa’s coming to power will be worse than Mugabe. We can as well call Chamisa, Mugabe mark 3. This young man has the traits of a ruthless dictator. It is sad that young people do not realize the danger in Chamisa. Zimbabwean people do not learn from history. The euphory about Mugabe in the early years of independence was so great, people from Mashonaland cheered Mugabe whose dictatorial mark is felt to this day. Mugabe left the nation divided into two distinct tribal corners hostile to each other. It is sad we see the same script that Mugabe crafted: what does Nelson Chamisa know better than bitter tribal divide, and that no Ndebele should be near power in Zimbabwe instead should permanently deputize to give some semblance of tribal inclusion. Tribalism in this country is carefully nurtured to the letter even in the opposition splitter parties.
My advice to Thokozani Khuphe is to gracefully stand back from tribal politics and identify herself with organisations that wish to put development of Matabeleland region first. She must realize that she has been in the trenches for the past 22 years. Her legacy should read different from what it is today. She is the only remaining active woman politician in the region and that should be a worry if she is reading the political barometer carefully. To go about back and forth in clandestine dealings with Mnangagwa will remove all respect from her in the region of Matabeleland if at all she is concerned about her legacy.
It is intriguing to realize that Mthwakazi parties are weighing options of taking part in the by-elections in March. How stupid can they still go? Do they realize that going for elections is to give legitimacy to Mnangagwa’s Zanu government? To read this on social media that they are debating to take part in the coming by-elections is just the hight of folly. Mthwakazi party will be given space by ZEC to take part in the by-elections more than CCC. For Zanu PF, it is a trophy to permit Mthwakazi MRP to be part of the election process because they will lose anywhere; but Mnangagwa will have scored ten-fold. Their argument will be: “even radical parties like Mthwakazi were given the opportunity to contest for by-elections: however they did not win”. Mthwakazi will not win elections in Zimbabwe even in a CCC government of Chamisa.
In an environment toxified by tribal hatred we have in Zimbabwe, it is pertinent to shift our focus from national politics and commit our energies on developing the region than to wait for fictitious liberation of the Mthwakazi that will never be. Practically, can we do something about our silted dams in Bulawayo and we mobilize how to desilt them for the benefit of all in the region; mobilize agricultural knowhow in rural communities to ensure food securities. How many volumes of water get wasted from our rivers flowing to Zambezi and to the sea? Siphosami Malunga was giving an unparallel example of successful farming! Obert Mpofu is out to frustrate him from his farm. The voices in Matabeleland are silent. Would it not have been a solidarity display to shout loud at Malunga’s corner; food for thought dear CITIZENS.
Politics in Matabeleland does not mean much in a tribal climate we find ourselves in. If we opted for development and give the people of this region some guidance in how we can improve food securities and water harvesting so that we have all-the-year-round availability of water, will go a long way for a Matabeleland dry region we are experiencing today.
Professor Moyo, Chamisa did not make a mistake. The mistake you made was to expose Welshman Ncube and all Ndebeles in the CCC that they are in the wrong basket.