gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Zimbabwean politically exposed persons (PEPs) must explain source of wealth – The Zimbabwe Mail

Zimbabwean politically exposed persons (PEPs) must explain source of wealth

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THE Anti-Corruption Trust of Southern Africa (ACT-SA) is worried that Zimbabwean high profile individuals, particularly Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs), have nothing to show in terms of integrity. More to the point, they are not exemplary but exist to poison the future generation, through being involved in acts of corruption and other underhand dealings.

Most of these leaders have amassed too much wealth which they may find difficult to explain. Regardless of this status quo, there are no concerted efforts, apart from mere rhetoric, to ask these PEPs to explain their wealth, Making matters worse is the fact that President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa and his two deputies have refused and/or neglected to publicly declare their assets and liabilities.

This way, these leaders are not setting the pace for everyone to follow.

The case of the Zimbabwean mining boss Henrietta Rushwaya who was arrested on 26 October for allegedly trying to smuggle six kilograms of gold, worth about $330,000 out of Zimbabwe to Dubai in the United Arab Emirates has exposed deep-seated and flourishing corruption syndicates involving the security, immigration and other high profile individuals.

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Mr. David Jamali, the Chairperson of ACT-SA demanded that the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission (ZACC) should immediately ask all PEPs to explain their wealth or risk the consequences.

“In Zimbabwe people are amassing wealth through corruption, including smuggling our precious minerals out of the country. We have information that some of the PEPs abuse diplomatic privileges to smuggle our minerals. This case of Henrietta Rushwaya is just a tip of the ice-berg.

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Gold and diamonds have always been smuggled through our airports and borders. Some Zimbabweans are very rich through underhand dealings yet there are no concerted efforts to ask them to explain the source of their wealth. I urge ZACC to be more proactive and rescue Zimbabweans from these vultures. All PEPs, their family members and compatriots must be asked to explain their wealth” he says.

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The existence of flourishing syndicates have been exposed by the case of Henrietta Rushwaya. She was allegedly cleared in very few minutes when CCTV cameras had been switched off. Security personnel as well as officials in the Office of the President and Cabinet were involved.