gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Urgent Zanu PF politburo meeting amid mounting internal strive – The Zimbabwe Mail

Urgent Zanu PF politburo meeting amid mounting internal strive

The view of Harare from my room at the Rainbow Towers Hotel. The tall building to right (about 300 m away) is the headquarters of the ruling party, Zanu PF.
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HARARE – The embattled ruling party Zanu-PF supreme body, the Politburo is set to meet on Wednesday at the party’s headquarters.

In a statement, Zanu-PF secretary for Information and Publicity Cde Simon Khaya Moyo said:

“The Secretary for Administration Cde Obert Mpofu wishes to advise all members that there shall be a Politburo meeting to be held on Wednesday 5 February 2020 at the Party Headquarters commencing 1000hours. All members should be seated by 0945hours sharp.”

Meanwhile, Zanu Pf youth league chief whip Pupurai Togarepi has issued a warning against The Herald saying it should not publish articles aimed at dividing the ruling party’s youth league.

Togarepi tweeted:

@HeraldZimbabwe should not attempt to drive a wedge in the Zanu-PF Youth League by extracting news from shadowy twitter groups. I hope the paper will correct its dubious story without delay unless there are ulterior motives.Our position : No to corruption in all its manifestation
The Herald today published an article that said Zanu PF Youth league distances itself from Lewis Matutu and Godfrey Tsenengamu who claim Kuda Tagwirei is a corrupt individual wrecking the economy. It is still not clear if Togarepi is referring to this particular article since he did not specify the article the publication should correct.
A faction of Zanu PF Youth League on Monday intensified its campaign for action to be brought against under-fire business tycoon Kudakwashe Tagwirei whom they accuse of using his fat pocket to stir up economic havoc and massive suffering among poor locals.

This they said at a press briefing in Harare Monday.

The youths accused the oil dealer of being among a cartel of local business executives who have not rested in performing acts of corruption.

However, Tagwirei has been singled out as the most problematic of the businesspersons through allegedly sponsoring underhand deals in many sectors of the economy such as fuel, gold, pharmaceuticals and agriculture.

“Seeing this person (Tagwirei), you will see a merciless man who doesn’t have a heart, if you look at…the efforts that are being done by the government, then we have someone taking advantage of that effort to enrich himself,” said Zanu PF youth league deputy secretary Lewis Matutu.

Party youth league national commissar Godfrey Tsenengamu said they took the bold decision to name and shame the controversial businessman in attempts to defend the country’s future generations whose livelihoods were being destroyed.

“How then do we have a situation where one person (Tagwirei) controls every sector of the economy! This must come to end today,” Tsenengamu said.

“Let me talk about this person called Kuda Tagwirei, why is it he is the same person who supplies fuel, controls command agriculture; he is everywhere, including the money that is found in the streets buying forex.

“Kuda Tagwirei runs a car import company, he works with a guy called Brighton. There is a company called Panjap (Motors) which he is using to import cars, grabbing all government schemes and supply them with cars, 40 for government and 60 to himself.”

President Emmerson Mnangagwa pictured some time ago consoling Tagwirei when he lost his father

The Zanu PF youth leader also accused Tagwirei, through his companies, of buying gold seized from panners by machete wielding gangs especially in areas such as Jumbo and Shamva.

They further accused the businessman of capturing government’s controversial command agriculture scheme through abuse of Treasury bills.

“He has company named Fossil-Agro, which is supplying all imports for Command Agriculture,” Tsenengamu said.

“When it was said now Command Agriculture farming inputs are being supplied by CBZ Bank, he went and bought shares in the bank.

“And fuel he did the same, on construction of roads the company called Fossil Construction belongs to Kuda fronting someone called Obey.

“There is a company fronted by white people looting platinum, Landela Mining ventures is into pharmaceutical and cooking oil.

“On forex deals and money changers operating on the streets, he uses a Congolese woman named Dallia for illegal forex dealings.

“We are prepared to bring the evidence on the table and we are approaching ZACC (Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission) tomorrow (Tuesday).”

The outspoken Zanu PF youth executives denied they were trying to settle political scores or working with any political grouping through naming and shaming the corrupt.

Matutu added on Tagwirei’s alleged underhand forex deals.

“How does an individual go to the bank and withdraw ZWL$500 000 cash; at some point in time his accounts were frozen but later unfrozen,” Matutu said.

“Our challenge is why would one person come in between people who have nothing to do with his shenanigans and act as if he has protection.

“He has his front people running around in the streets doing his dirty works.”

Tsenengamu also said it was also time ethanol fuel mogul Billy Rautenbach’s monopoly on fuel blending was stopped.

“He has monopoly on ethanol blending, why him alone? Everyone knows that it’s not good, but everyone is quiet or afraid to speak out.

“Why is Billy enjoying that monopoly and fuel prices have gone up because of him. So that he makes money.”