gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); ‘ZANU PF – MDC in GNU talks, elections to be suspended for 7 years’ – The Zimbabwe Mail

‘ZANU PF – MDC in GNU talks, elections to be suspended for 7 years’

Zimbabwe President Emmerson Mnangagwa
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The ruling ZANU PF is currently negotiating with the smaller MDC faction led by Thokozani Khupe in a bid to forge a government of national unity, main MDC Vice President Tendai Bit has sensationally claimed.

Said Biti, “Desperate regime actively negotiating some GNU with Supreme Court created Frankenstein outfit and other dross with constitutional amendments being mooted some of which are to suspend all elections for 7 years. The desperate marriage of unelectable desperados not popular inside.”


The regime is broke & broke in absolute terms .The coffers are empty & they are generating salaries through the RTGS ponzi scheme .To date Treasury has not disbursed payment to Min of Social Services.Tobacco sales have had a poor start &donors not coming on board 1/1


Desperate regime actively negotiating some “GNU” with Supreme Court created Frankenstein outfit &other dross with constitutional amendments being mooted some of which are to suspend all elections for 7 years.The desperate marriage of unelectable desperados not popular inside 1/2

“The regime is broke and broke in absolute terms .The coffers are empty and they are generating salaries through the RTGS ponzi scheme.” Said Biti. “To date Treasury has not disbursed #SafetyNets payment to Min of Social Services. Tobacco sales have had a poor start &donors not coming on board.”

MDC sources have claimed that Thokozani Khupe wants to be sworn in as MP so that she has the leverage to negotiate the deal.

Source – Byo24