gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Zanu-PF dismiss claim Mnangagwa responsible for opposition in-fighting – The Zimbabwe Mail

Zanu-PF dismiss claim Mnangagwa responsible for opposition in-fighting

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PRESIDENT Emmerson Mnangagwa has nothing to do with ongoing factional fights within MDC, a senior Zanu PF official has said.

This follows the expulsion from parliament, of four MDC Alliance MPs at the behest of party nemesis Douglas Mwonzora, who, together with ex-MDC-T vice president Thokozani Khupe, were recently granted interim stewardship of the country’s main opposition.

The four MPs expelled by National Assembly Speaker, Jacob Mudenda on Tuesday are Charlton Hwende (Kuwadzana East MP); Prosper Mutseyami (Dangamvura/Chikanga), Thabitha Khumalo (Bulawayo proportional representation) and Senator Lilian Timveous.

Addressing a press conference after the expulsions, MDC Alliance Vice President Tendai Biti accused Mnangagwa of plotting the dismissals as part of a broader scheme to destroy the party.

Biti went on to declare war against Mnangagwa and his ruling party.

However, Zanu PF director for information Tafadzwa Mugwadi Wednesday distanced Mnangagwa from the expulsions and instead, described the MDC as a puppet organisation that had outlived its existence.

“We are not bothered about what happens at No. 44 Nelson Mandela (Avenue), save to say if they want to utilise that building effectively, they should turn the building into a vending mall as many vendors do not have space to operate on,” he said.

No. 44 Nelson Mandela Avenue in central Harare known as Morgan Richard Tsvangirai is the headquarters of the MDC.

Zanu PF director of information and publicity Tafadzwa Mugwadi tells MDC Alliance leadership off. Denies ruling party has anything to do with recalling of MDC Alliance MPs from Parliament on Tuesday

“As Zanu PF, as you heard from our President Emmerson Mnangagwa saying, we are not worried about anything that happens within MDC. These are minute organisations and we do not care what happens there. Puppet organisations do not outlive their existence and certainly and soon or later it was going to come, MDC was going to collapse.

“They are collapsing themselves. It is not quite here nor there to start pointing fingers at Zanu PF. Last time when they split when Welshman (Ncube) left the MDC, they accused Zanu PF, and again they did the same thing when Tendai Biti left the MDC in 2014,” said Mugwadi. – Newzim