gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Reuben Barwe wins Zanu PF Makoni elections – The Zimbabwe Mail

Reuben Barwe wins Zanu PF Makoni elections

Reuben Barwe
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ZBC chief correspondent Reuben Barwe has been elected secretary for Information and Publicity in Makoni following Zanu PF District Coordinating Committee (DCC) elections held on December 5 and 6, Zim Morning Post can report.

Barwe is one of various public service officials who contested in the Zanu PF DCC elections despite their positions demanding that they be apolitical.

Recently, the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) said it had initiated disciplinary measures against Harare Civil Magistrates Court’s Milton Serima for unconstitutionally standing for election in the Zanu PF DCC in Mt Darwin.

Gweru prosecutor Namatirai Chipere, was also found to have strayed after he started campaigning for a spot in the Zanu PF DCCs. He subsequently resigned.

The Constitution prohibits judicial service officials from taking part in political activities.

Zanu PF held DCC elections as part of its restructuring exercise which it hopes will enhance coordination of the party activities ahead of 2023 elections.

The DCC elections were marred by irregularities ranging from vote-buying, ballot stuffing, bussing of voters, and intimidation to coercion.

Zanu PF national chairperson Oppah Muchinguri said the party would investigate “the complaints.”

“The elections were affected by a few administrative and logistical challenges and the party has taken note of those challenges and we are putting in place corrective measures so that we do not experience this in the future. The situation was also compounded by incessant rains which damaged roads and made some polling stations inaccessible,” she said. – Zim Morning Post