gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Racist thugs launch fireworks and bricks at Zimbabwean refugee in Scotland (Video) – The Zimbabwe Mail

Racist thugs launch fireworks and bricks at Zimbabwean refugee in Scotland (Video)

Able Miller was hurt in the assault
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Glasgow, Scotland – Two yobs pleaded guilty to racially aggravated assault and Zimbabwean Able — who was hit by several of the missiles — revealed he is still traumatised by his ordeal

They then took turns lobbing masonry and fireworks at Able in his front garden while his terrified wife and two daughters were inside.

The pair pleaded guilty to racially aggravated assault and Zimbabwean Able — who was hit by several of the missiles — revealed he is still traumatised by his ordeal.

He said: “I’m so alert all the time now — sometimes I can’t sleep. I haven’t been able to work since it happened because my blood pressure is so high.

“My father was stoned to death in my home country, and when I was being hit with bricks that night I thought it was happening to me.

Able Miller was hurt in the assault

Able Miller was hurt in the assault

“It has really stirred up something deeper inside of me from my past and I’m really struggling with it.

“The fact these two boys have been held responsible doesn’t change that.”

But Able, who uses a walking stick, told how he doesn’t want prison time for the attackers.

He added: “Community work involves them learning about what they did wrong. I’ve never believed that jail does any good.


Jack Gemmell targeted victim at home

“If one good thing comes from this then maybe it will be awareness of racism. This has changed my life considerably.”

Glasgow Sheriff Court heard Gemmell and his accomplice were nabbed after Able showed cops CCTV footage of the attack in Springburn last November.

Prosecutor Lindsay Madden said: “Throughout the incident, Mr Miller heard comments such as ‘we know you, you are the black b****** bus driver’.

Crony, who can not be identified, was also involved in attacks

Crony, who can not be identified, was also involved in attacks

“He was left with pain to his side and knee and suffered a cut to the top of his foot.”

Former engineer Able — who once stood for parliament in his home country — fled to Scotland in 2002 after being persecuted for his political views.

But he said of the Glasgow attack: “This was the worst thing I have ever experienced.”

Sheriff Daniel Scullion deferred sentence.

Yob’s festive rampage

Sean Gowland broke windows of a sweet shop

Sean Gowland broke windows of a sweet shop

A HATE yob smashed up stores and spat blood at a cop after flying into a rage on a Christmas night out.

Boozed-up Sean Gowland, 22, broke the windows of a sweet shop and the glass door of a takeaway.

He screamed racist abuse at the Asian owner of the carry out in Broxburn, West Lothian, calling him “P**i scum”.

Gowland, left, from Livingston, earlier pled guilty to behaving in an abusive manner at the stores and a nearby hospital during the late night bust-up on December 23 and 24 last year.

He also admitted spitting blood at PC Robert Small.

At Livingston Sheriff Court he was handed 270 hours of unpaid work, tagged and given a curfew. – The Scotland Sun