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Prof. Moyo outlines Chamisa-Mnangagwa GNU

Prof Jonathan Moyo
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Exiled former cabinet Minister Professor Jonathan Moyo has called for negotiations between ZANU PF and MDC which must lead to a Government of National Unity.

Professor Moyo who engaged in a frenzied Twitter thread on Thursday said, “A GNU is a special type of coalition govt common in Africa to avoid CONFLICT. Elsewhere, elections with no outright winner produce coalition governments. Not in Zimbabwe. We get DISPUTED elections which necessitate a GNU to resolve a CONFLICT. The UK has a coalition government, not called a GNU!”

Moyo further said the disputed 2018 elections necessitate the country has a GNU.

“A  GNU is necessitated by an inconclusive or disputed poll. The 2009 GNU was necessitated by the fact that ZANU PF had 99 out 210 parliamentary seats. Today a GNU is necessitated by the fact that ZANU PF lost and stole 2018 presidential poll from the MDCALLIANCE.”

Moyo said it is folly that ZANU PF says it will not engage in a negotiation with MDC.

“Ignoramuses say ZANU PF can’t negotiate with MDC because it has two thirds majority. Nonsense, the 2009 GNU negotiations started after SADC appointed Mbeki to mediate in Zimbabwe on 29 March 2007 due to Army and Police brutality when ZANU PF had a majority of two thirds in Parliament!”

ZANU  PF members have insisted that they will not agree to any coalition government with MDC.

The opposition MDC has accused President Emmerson Mnangagwa of being divorced from reality, claiming his views and understanding of the situation obtaining on the ground do no tally with the current situation.

The MDC says Mnangagwa is a leader who is out of touch with reality.

In a recent radio interview last week Mnangagwa touched on many issues, among them political dialogue, general hardships experienced by many as a result of the increasing cost of living, his government programmes and targets, among others.

He also spoke on the need to fight corruption.

The opposition says Mnangagwa skirted important issues, a sign that he was clueless about the situation currently obtaining in the country.

“The man is out of sorts, confuses elementary principles of economics and runs on bus stop theories, most of which were generated by his paid social media trolls,” opposition spokesman said.

“Mnangagwa failed to address the issue of eroded earnings, people are no longer earning anything in real terms and the salaries of civil servants have gone below $100 in real value and that has not been addressed.

“He failed to address the issue of persisting fuel shortages and the increasing prices. He failed to say what he is doing to stop corruption and issues around the economic trajectory. He also failed to address the issue of currency, especially on how the currency will be supported, where will be the support coming from and how will it be kept afloat.

“He kept on talking about being proud of having your own currency without saying how they will create a currency that people will be proud of. He didn’t address issues of reforms, what reform have they done in the past year as media is still largely controlled by the State, police and military still interfere in State affairs.”

The opposition says Mnangagwa’s response to issues around the political dialogue which he initiated were not convincing because nothing has come out of it.

“Never in history has a President spoken for so long without saying anything. He looked like a rabbit caught in the headlights and a man drowning under the weight of sheer cluelessness,” he said.