gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); How Politicians Reacted To Terror-Attack On Thokozani Khupe, MDC-T Officials, At Tsvangirai’s Burial – The Zimbabwe Mail

How Politicians Reacted To Terror-Attack On Thokozani Khupe, MDC-T Officials, At Tsvangirai’s Burial

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On Tuesday several MDC-T politicians were harassed and assaulted at the burial of the party’s founding leader, Morgan Tsvangirai, in Buhera. Vice president Thokozani Khupe and secretary general Douglas Mwonzora had to get a police escort at one point. Khupe and MDC-T Member of Parliament Lwazi Sibanda were hit with projectiles.

Here is how some politicians reacted to the news.

The politics of hate and violence should not have any place in our society. Really sad developments at Dr. Tsvangirai’s funeral. The physical attack on @DrThoko_Khupe was cowardly and sadistic.

That some people could try burn the hut in which @DrThoko_Khupe was taking refuge from violent brought memories of the works of Chopangano. Why should anyone employ these tactics on fellow party members? @Wamagaisa

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Sad that violence by supporters of @nelsonchamisa was visited upon MDC-T Vice President & MDC-T Mat North women’s quota MP, at ‘s burial in today. The violence is an ugly example of the new !

I didn’t witness it myself but I understand @DrThoko_Khupe was attacked. I then saw Hon @nelsonchamisa leaving stage & returning. I later saw her being escorted to the podium by a human shield upon which I saw @DMwonzora climbing onto the stage. I didn’t see @EngMudzuri. Sad 😢

As women in the party its time for you to speak up and denounce all forms of violence against women especially the way she is being ostracised. Its very bad and we all that her contributions were equally important in the formation of tha party

I’ve just denounced it here by speaking about & against it. In case you missed it I denounce all forms of violence against women & all in politics and elsewhere. Everyone has a constitutional right to security of the person & freedom from violence from private & public sources.

This is completely unacceptable. We cannot get rid of Mugabe only to become little Mugabes to each other.

Violence in any form by whomsoever must be condemned in the strongest terms. We can’t take violence with us into the future. That’s not who we are. 

Turning a blind eye to violence & intolerance was a root cause of the split in the MDC in 2005. It is a disease created by years of violent rule by ZANUPF which has infected the opposition. Some MDC leaders have toyed with the use of violence, but it always comes back to bite.

The US Gov strongly condemns the violence that occurred today @ the funeral for Morgan Tsvangirai. He stood in opposition of such violence & there exists no place for these types of actions today in Zimbabwe, as the country moves forward.

Source: Pindula