gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); ‘Mzembi paid million dollars by Mnangagwa’ – The Zimbabwe Mail

‘Mzembi paid million dollars by Mnangagwa’

VP Emmerson Mnangagwa being introduced to the newly-appointed Secretary for Tourism and Hospitality
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FORMER Cabinet Minister Walter Mzembi, who in January this year launched his Presidential ambitions under his party called the People’s Party, has indicated that he does not habour ambitions to challenge Zanu-PF leader, President Emmerson Mnangagwa.

Mzembi made the revelations on social media, just a day after Zanu-PF MP for Gokwe-Nembudziya, Justice Mayor Wadyajena, insinuated that Mzembi had been paid a million Zimbabwe dollars by the State.

Mzembi made a complete turn around on his tweet of 21 March, where he said he was a a leader of an opposition party and his duty was to make the ruling party accountable to the people for its actions.

The revelation by Mzembi was triggered when he responded to a tweet by Wadyajena directed at Professor Jonathan Moyo, another self-exiled former Cabinet Minister.

Said Wadyajena: “I hear you Prof. In the humble opinion of a concerned youngster, you took politics way too personally. Your allies are home, Chipanga, Chombo, Grace. Kasukuwere invested, Mzembi recently received US$1m yet life‘s still unfair to you. You have young girls. They need their dad!”

Mzembi, stung by the accusation he was paid to buy his silence by the State, responded: “The burden of proof is not on me but those who allege. I have nothing to defend or clear from all this nor those who are responding on my behalf . Leave the onus to Wadyajena. Suddenly you find him credible because pataurwa $1m?”

It was at this point that Mzembi was challenged by a follower to categorically state whether or not he received funding from the Zimbabwe Government.

“For someone who wants to be a president l would think you would dismiss this public information with the contempt it deserves if he is spreading lies but l guess you like posturing rather clear things with a simple no!”

Mzembi fired back: “Who told you I want to be a President?”

Former Mugabe ally and businessman Agrippa Bopela Masiyakurima, who is a self-confessed member of Mzembi’s people’s party, accused the fkemr tourism minister of causing confusion among the party membership by his utterances.

“I think you’re now confusing our followers cde President. You being the Party leader PeoplesPartyZim, people take what you say here seriously, so clarity is of paramount importance.

“The People’s Party want presidency and running the country, which is not a joke at all. ED must Go,” said Bopela.

Jonathan Moyo then lurched into the conversation and dug into archives to show that Mzembi had previously indicated he had presidential ambitions.

Prof Jonathan Moyo


But Cde @waltermzembi as recent as on 21 March 2020 you confirmed in these streets that you are the leader of your party, the @PeoplesPartyZim. That’s enough a basis for any rational person to conclude that you want to be president!

View image on Twitter
Walter Mzembi@waltermzembi
Replying to @Blessing_zim @JusticeMayorW

Who told you I want to be a President ?

“But Cde @waltermzembi as recent as on 21 March 2020 you confirmed in these streets that you are the leader of your party, the @PeoplesPartyZim. That’s enough a basis for any rational person to conclude that you want to be president!” Moyo said.

This is not the first time Moyo has tackled Mzembi head-on.

In November last year, Professor Moyo attacked Mzembi and called him an “ediot”, a derogatory term used to refer to President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s unflinching supporters.

Mzembi, who left for South Africa in 2018 on the pretext of seeking medical attention before conclusion of his corruption case trial, has since been declared a fugitive from justice. – Zimbabwe Voice