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Mnangagwa says security forces are alert to political violence

Zimbabwe President Emmerson Mnangagwa
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HARARE- President Emmerson Mnangagwa says Zimbabweans must refuse to be used as instruments of violence and hate by the opposition who are only after self-aggrandisement and political expediency.

Addressing mourners at the burial of national hero, Major General (Retired) Sydney Bhebe at the National Heroes Acre this Monday, President Mnangagwa said the government will not stand by and watch while detractors engage in violence.

“The levels and intensity of falsehoods being peddled by some opposition political parties to whip their supporters into orgies of violence, hate and disharmony, is now extremely worrisome and my Administration will not stand by and watch. Zimbabwe is a peaceful country and this culture is alien to our society under the Second Republic. The law will take effect and its application will be without fear or favour. No one is above the law. I, thus, call upon our communities throughout the country to be vigilant against these destabilising and hateful political parties,” he said.

He added, “This time, the destabilising and violent theatrics by opposition elements are being done ahead of the CHOGM meeting in Rwanda. Shame on you, if you are the leader of a political party which thrives on violence and the insecurity of our people, to be relevant. Shame – shame – shame on you!” said the President.

He castigated opposition elements who unleashed violence in the Nyatsime area of Chitungwiza following the brutal killing of Moreblessing Ali.

“What happened recently in the Nyatsime Township of Chitungwiza is deplorable and should never be repeated. The nation is now familiar with these shenanigans and incidences of staged violence, which are designed to tarnish the image of Zimbabwe, especially ahead of major international meetings.

The President urged the citizenry to be alert and be wary of the shenanigans of the enemy.

“Keep your eyes and ears wide open. Do not allow outsiders from your communities to come and disturb the peace and harmony in your areas. Violence has no place in the Zimbabwe we are building. We want peace, peace, peace, love and harmony. Equally, let as as a people shun all forms of self-hate, as well as the peddling of falsehoods and misinformation. Together, we must entrench the values of love, honesty, hard work and patriotism as we continue on the journey to guarantee our national development and prosperity, for all our people, no matter where they live.”

President Mnangagwa said it is regrettable that Zimbabwe continues to attract unwarranted interest from its former colonisers, who together with their supremacist proxies, “mistakenly think that we are provinces of their countries. These meddlesome countries and their lobbyists, under various guises, preach democracy and good governance by day, whilst sponsoring and instigating nefarious activities, violence and instability in our country by night.”

“Lest we forget, the total independence, freedom, democracy and sovereignty we are enjoying as Zimbabwe, will never be sacrificed for any socio-political or economic expediency. This is what the National Hero we are laying to rest and other thousands of veterans of our liberation struggle, fought for,” he added.

“This is part of their long held, brute strategies to reverse the gains we have made in consummating our independence, self-determination, sovereignty, economic empowerment and total freedom of our people, which is now embodied in our country’s development philosophy. “Nyika inovakwa, inotongwa, nevene vayo”/”Ilizwe liyakwa, libuswe ngabanikazi”.

The late Major General Bhebe died on Monday last week, is survived by his wife Sarah and three children.

Source – ZBC