gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Mnangagwa says he not losing sleep over Chamisa threat – The Zimbabwe Mail

Mnangagwa says he not losing sleep over Chamisa threat

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PRESIDENT Emmerson Mnangagwa yesterday said he will not lose sleep on August 23 when Zimbabwe goes to the polls because he is already assured of victory.

Mnangagwa was addressing thousands of party supporters at Mutawatawa, Uzumba district in Mashonaland East, a province that has long been regarded as a Zanu-PF stronghold for years.

The 80-year-old ruler, who is seeking re-election for a second term, said the attendance at yesterday’s rally had boosted his confidence that he has already won the polls.

“Even if the opposition votes with ears, legs and fingers, there is nothing they can do. We will win the elections,” Mnangagwa said.

“Let us vote for the ruling party, a party with the people at heart.

“Zanu-PF is the most popular party in the country. Our trademark as Zanu-PF is winning.”

He added: “Today, I realised that Mashonaland East is the best in terms of attendance.

“Masvingo province, the cup is gone. I have never seen such a crowd.

“I am very grateful to Mashonaland East.”

Zanu-PF has been bussing supporters from across the country including school children to attend Mnangagwa’s star rallies.

Zanu-PF second secretary and former Vice President Kembo Mohadi pleaded with party supporters to translate their attendance at the rally into votes.

“Thank you Mashonaland East for coming in your numbers in support of this rally,” Mohadi said.

“We are travelling across the country for campaign rallies, and yes, a lot of people are attending but what Mashonaland East has done is remarkable, outstanding so I call upon you here to vote for the ruling party come August 23.”

Mnangagwa says he is targeting five  million votes to ensure victory, while his main challenger, Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) leader Nelson Chamisa, targets 6 million.

Yesterday he repeated his calls for peace in the wake of rising cases of political violence that claimed an opposition supporter in Glenview, Harare last week.

“As the second republic first and foremost, we require peace in the country,”  Mnangagwa  said.

“Zimbabwe is one of the most peaceful countries on the continent. We are united as a people.

“Let us work together as a nation and make Zimbabwe a jewel of Africa.”

Source – the standard